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History of Roman Blinds

In this blog post, the professional Los Angeles Roman Blind installation team here at Los Angeles Shades and Blinds will detail the storied history of the origin of Roman Blinds.

Beginnings of Roman Blinds

Roman blinds were invented to keep homes free from dust when the Colosseum in Rome was benign ubilt. Before this, Romans would hang damp clothes in front of their glassless windows to capture dust kicked up by carts and carriages. Cloth curtains couldn’t prevent the huge amounts of dust generated from the Colosseum construction – so a curtain made of light strips of fabric was created. Roman blinds became popular throughout homes everywhere in the Roman Empire.

Roman Blind Evolution

Roman blinds rapidly became more fancy and ornate. They were decorated with a range of colors and patterns, and even had drawstrings created through fit strings attached to dowel rods or slats between fabric strips that let blinds be easily raised or lowered. This early form of Roman blinds folded horizontally away from walls.

Modern Roman Blinds

Roman blinds are still a popular choice in modern homes. They come in a huge range of styles and materials including hemp, silk, bamboo, cotton, and much more. Consider how specific fabric is cleaned when you choose a material for blinds.

Roman Blind Cleaning

Roman blinds should be deep cleaned every once in a while before they become dirty and weighted down. Before depe cleaning Roman blinds, remove their cords, unpick their lining, and remove their dowels. We recommend allowing experts to clean your Roman blinds, but periodic maintenance can help too. You can spot clean fabric Roman blinds with soda water in a spray bottle, or with the brush attachment on a vacuum to remove dust between folds.