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Best ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency

Now that Summer is coming to a close, Autumn and Winter are on all of our minds – as well as lowering temperatures. With these concerns come those about energy efficiency. Windows lose a huge amount of heat every Autumn and Winter – in fact, it’s estimated that windows lose more heat per square foot of area every Winter (as well as gaining more heat in the Summer.) One of the best ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency is to upgrade your window treatments through a professional energy efficient shades installation expert, like those at Los Angeles Shades and Blinds. While walls have resistance to heat flow (known as R-Values) of 13.1, windows have R-Values of just 1.16.

Honeycomb Shades / Cellular Shades

These interior shades help boost up thermal levels and radiant temperatures of a space by as much as 5 degrees fahrenheit. Our Honeycomb shades are insulative, protecting your home from both heat and cold with specially energy efficient design. Each honeycomb cell creates small pockets of still air – which do not conduct heat very well – helping to increase the R-Value of your windows between levels of 3/45 and 5, slowing heat transfer by as much as 55% to 65%! 

You need to make sure that your honeycomb shades are installed as part of a custom window treatment installation process if you’re truly concerned about energy efficiency. Small gaps between the shades and the casing can allow air to escape – and the better they fit in the window, the better your shades provide energy efficiency. Our honeycomb shades are highly tested for energy efficiency, UV ray protection, durability, and ability to conform to perfectly laid out cell arrangements and glue lines.

Solar Shades

Solar shades don’t insulate as well as honeycomb shades, but they do an amazing job at reducing glare and blocking sunlight – which can reduce the heat in your home in Summer months, while still letting you look outside. During the hot months of July and August, it’s totally essential to reflect heat off your home in order to keep it cool. Solar shades allow you to do so. They let pleasant daylight in, while keeping damaging and uncomfortable UV rays and heat outside of your home – in fact, our solars hades block around 90% – 99% of ultraviolet rays due to their unique fabric opacity, which can be customized to different levels of openness, that allows different levels of light to come inside your space!